Holding on to NEVER AGAIN

Sometimes we can want so bad to change a meaningless situation that we allow pride and pain to become home for us. I took an incredible step on my path to holiness….Afraid of the voices and stares I had to release my mind of constant sorrow and imagine a sun rise that I never thought a deserved to see….

I broke my silence…I released my pain….I made the decision that I am worth more….

I confessed my sin….I reported my abuser….I decided to live again

I have been involved in an affair with a pastor…..Not my pastor before hand, but we had a well….Sensual overly friendly relationship (you catching my steez). He was verbally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally abusive. After years of this going on I was tired of being talked down to and decided to break my silence. I reported him for causing physical harm for the LAST time to me…I can ONLY PRAY & BELIEVE that this step is the best step in the right direction……

I hope my story touches the lives of other young women who once walked in my shoes..You are loved, adored, full of greatness….. YOU WILL LIVE AGAIN…